Give a child a personalized book today to help raise tomorrow's leaders.


Me and Rajin, The Fishing Cat


Every child loves to seek and find. Every page of this personalised storybook is filled with things to find, but which...

Will be hero in the story (max 10 chars)

* Child’s Name required

Will be the king in the story (max 15 chars)

* Sur Name required

Will be the king in the story (max 15 chars)

* Sur Name required
* Birthday required

(E.g. Mom and dad or name of the person who present the book to the child, max 15 chars)

* Sender Name required
* Your Place required

Will be the king in the story (max 10 chars)

* Child’s Name required

Will be the king in the story (max 10 chars)

* Your favorite place required
* Dedication required

Will be the king in the story (max 35 chars)

* Other Dedication required
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